Elevation Point of Vertical Curve Calculator

Length of Curve
Initial Grade
Final Grade
Initial Elevation

Utilize our complimentary online tool to compute the elevation point of a vertical curve. Input the following parameters: Length, Initial Grade, Final Grade, Initial Elevation.

Employ this calculator to ascertain the elevation point of a vertical curve by utilizing provided input values such as curve length, initial and final grade, and initial elevation.

Elevation Point of Vertical Curve formula

    \[y = e_{pvc} + g_1x + \frac{{(g2 - g1) \cdot x^2}}{{2L}}\]

The variables used in the formula are:

y – elevation of the point of vertical tangency

epvc – Initial Elevation

g1 – Initial grade

g2 – Final grade

x/L – Length of the curve

Calculating vertical curve elevations on roads has been made easier here.

Elevation Point of Vertical Curve Calculator

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