Total Resistance of Series, Parallel Circuit Calculator

Total Voltage
Total Current
Total Power

Discover the resultant resistance of multiple resistors linked in either series or parallel arrangements.

Utilize this online calculator to compute the overall resistance within a circuit. In a series circuit, the total resistance is acquired by summing the values of individual resistors. For a parallel circuit, the total resistance is derived by adding the reciprocals of resistor values and then taking the reciprocal of that sum.

Total Resistance of Series, Parallel Circuit formula

    \[R_1 = \frac{V_t}{I_t}\]

    \[R_2 = \frac{V_{t2}}{P_t}\]

    \[R_3 = \frac{P_t}{I_{t2}}\]


  • R1 = Total Resistance by Vt and It
  • R2 = Total Resistance by Vt and Pt
  • R3 = Total Resistance by Pt and It
  • Vt = Total Voltage
  • It = Total Current
  • Pt = Total Power

Total Resistance of Series Parallel Circuit Calculator

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