SAG Vertical Curve Calculator

Sight Distance
Initial Roadway Grade
Final Roadway Grade
Height of headlight
Angle of Headlight Beam

ASAG Vertical Curve Calculator is an essential tool in civil engineering and road design. It is specifically designed to calculate and analyze sag vertical curves, which connect two descending gradients in a road or railway profile. These curves ensure a smooth and safe transition between different slopes, enhancing ride comfort, visibility, and overall safety for vehicles and pedestrians.

Understanding Sag Vertical Curves

Sag vertical curves are concave curves that dip downward, forming a “sag” in the road profile. These curves are typically found at the bottom of a hill where a descending grade meets an ascending grade. Unlike crest vertical curves, which are convex and occur at the top of a hill, sag vertical curves provide a gradual transition from a steeper slope to a flatter one.

Key Components of a Sag Vertical Curve:

  • Point of Vertical Intersection (PVI): The point where the two grade lines would intersect if the curve were absent.
  • Vertical Point of Curvature (VPC): The point where the sag curve begins.
  • Vertical Point of Tangency (VPT): The point where the sag curve ends.
  • Curve Length (L): The horizontal distance between the VPC and VPT.
  • Initial Grade (G1): The slope of the road before the sag curve.
  • Final Grade (G2): The slope of the road after the sag curve.
  • Sag Curve Depth (D): The vertical distance from the lowest point of the curve to the grade line.

Importance of Sag Vertical Curves in Road Design

Sag vertical curves are critical for several reasons:

  1. Safety: A well-designed sag curve ensures that vehicles can navigate the transition between slopes without sudden changes in speed or direction, reducing the risk of accidents.
  2. Driver Comfort: Gradual changes in the road’s slope minimize the impact of acceleration forces on the driver and passengers, leading to a smoother ride.
  3. Visibility: Properly designed sag curves allow for adequate sight distance, ensuring drivers have enough time to react to obstacles, pedestrians, or other vehicles.
  4. Drainage: Sag curves must be designed to prevent water from pooling at the lowest point, which could lead to hydroplaning or road damage.
  5. Aesthetics: A smooth, flowing road profile is more visually appealing and can enhance the overall experience of driving or traveling.

How Does a SAG Vertical Curve Calculator Work?

A SAG Vertical Curve Calculator simplifies the complex calculations to design these curves. It typically requires the input of specific parameters related to the road profile and desired curve characteristics, then computes the necessary values to ensure a safe and efficient curve design.

  1. Input Parameters
  • Initial Grade (G1): The road’s slope (in percentage) before the curve.
  • Final Grade (G2): The road’s slope (in percentage) after the curve.
  • Curve Length (L): The horizontal length of the curve, typically measured in meters or feet.
  • Design Speed (V): The speed at which the road is intended to be traveled, usually in kilometers per hour (km/h) or miles per hour (mph).
  • Sight Distance (S): The minimum distance a driver should be able to see an object on the road, ensuring they have time to stop safely.

Key Considerations When Using a Sag Vertical Curve Calculator

  1. Design Speed: The design speed directly influences the curve length. Higher speeds require longer curves to ensure safe and comfortable transitions.
  2. Safety Factors: Always incorporate safety factors into your calculations, especially in areas with high traffic volume or hazardous conditions.
  3. Visibility: Ensure the curve design provides adequate sight distance under all expected conditions, including night-time driving, fog, and rain.
  4. Environmental Impact: Consider the impact of the curve on drainage and erosion. Poorly designed curves can lead to water accumulation, damaging the road and reducing its lifespan.
  5. Local Regulations: Adhere to local and national road design standards and regulations, which often specify minimum curve lengths, grades, and sight distances.
  6. Software Integration: Many modern road design software packages include sag vertical curve calculators as part of their suite of tools, allowing for seamless integration into broader design projects.
  7. Iteration and Optimization: Road design often involves iterative processes where initial designs are refined based on further analysis. Use the calculator to explore different curve lengths and profiles until the optimal design is achieved.
  8. Practical Considerations: The calculated curve may need adjustments based on topographical constraints, construction costs, and existing road alignments.


The SAG Vertical Curve Calculator is a powerful tool for civil engineers and road designers, enabling them to design safe, efficient, and comfortable transitions between road grades. By accurately calculating the required curve length and depth and ensuring sufficient sight distance, this tool plays a crucial role in the overall design process, ensuring that roads are not only functional but also safe for all users.

Understanding and applying sag vertical curve principles is fundamental to developing roadways that meet modern standards for safety and usability. Whether designing a new road or upgrading an existing one, a SAG Vertical Curve Calculator is an indispensable part of your toolkit, helping you achieve the best possible project outcomes.

SAG Vertical Curve formula

    \[Lm = \frac{A \times S^2}{200 \times (H + S \times \tan(\beta))}\]

    \[Lm = 2S - \frac{200 \times (H + S \times \tan(\beta))}{A}\]

The variables used in the formula are:

A – Absolute difference between g2 and g1

S – Sight Distance

Lm – Minimum Curve Length

H – Height of headlight

β – Angle of Headlight Beam

SAG Vertical Curve Calculator

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