Plaster Calculator

Area of Plastering
Ratio of Plastering
Cement Part
Sand Part
Plastering Thickness
Sand Required (5 Part)

Utilize our complimentary online tool to compute plaster quantities. Input the following parameters: Area, Cement, Sand, and Thickness.

Leverage plaster for construction, offering protection, decoration, wall, ceiling, and molding coverage. Maximize our Plaster Calculator to determine the necessary amounts of cement and sand for plastering. Input the area requiring plastering, the plastering ratio, and the desired thickness. Upon submission, you’ll receive information about the needed cement (in bags) and sand quantities.

Plaster formula

V = A x T
X = V x 1.54
C = X x (M / G)
S = X x (N / G)

The variables used in the formula are:

T = Plastering Thickness
V = Volume of Cement Mortar
A = Area of Plastering
M = Ratio of Plastering Cement
N = Ratio of Plastering Sand
C = Cement Required (1 Part)
S = Sand Required (5 Part)
X = 35% Sand Bulkage
G = Total ratio (M+N )

Easily calculate the right proportions of cement and sand for your wall plaster using our online Plaster calculator. Ensure the correct mixture ratio of 1 part cement to 5 parts sand for optimal results.

Plaster Calculator

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