Physical Properties of Coil Calculator

Wire Diameter
Number Of Turns
Bobbin Length
Bobbin Diameter

Calculate resistance, total wire length, and the number of windings.

Use this online electrical calculator to determine the physical attributes of a coil or material, encompassing resistance, total wire length, and the number of windings. Please note that the calculator assumes the wire to be copper when computing resistance and voltage.

Physical Properties of Coil formula

    \[T = \frac{bl}{d}\]

    \[n = \frac{\text{Turns}}{T}\]

    \[cd = (2 \cdot n \cdot d) + bd\]

    \[r = \frac{n \cdot d + bd}{2}\]

    \[a = \pi \cdot r \cdot r\]

    \[L = \frac{2 \cdot \pi \cdot r \cdot n}{1000}\]

    \[\text{rpm} = 0.0333 \cdot \frac{(\frac{0.812}{2})(\frac{0.812}{2})}{(\frac{d}{2})(\frac{d}{2})}\]

    \[R = \text{rpm} \cdot L\]

    \[V = R \cdot I\]

    \[P = V \cdot I\]


  • T = Turns per winding,
  • bl = Length of Bobbin,
  • d = Wire Diameter,
  • n = Number of windings,
  • cd = Outer diameter of the coil,
  • bd = Diameter of Bobbin,
  • r = radius of the middle of the coil,
  • a = Cross-sectional area,
  • L = Total Length,
  • rpm = Resistance/meter,
  • R = Resistance,
  • V = Voltage at Rated Current,
  • I = Current,
  • P = Power at Rated Current

Physical Properties of Coil Calculator

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