Loan amount Calculator

Payment amount
Number of years
Rate of interest
Rate of interest compounded

Consider using a free online calculator for a straightforward method of calculating a loan amount. This tool can assist you in determining the loan amount.

Loan amount formula

A = ( P / r ) * [ 1 – (1+r)-N ]

  • A = Loan Amount
  • P = Payment Amount
  • r = Rate of Interest (compounded)
  • N = Number of Payments

The rate of Interest Compounded is:

  • Monthly:  r = i / 1200 и N = n * 12
  • Quarterly: r = i / 400 и N = n * 4
  • Half-yearly: r = i / 200 и N = n * 2
  • Yearly:  r = i / 100 и N = n

Loan amount Calculator

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