Cable Size Calculator

Source Voltage
Namber of Phases
Voltage Drop

A Cable Size Calculator is an indispensable tool used by electrical engineers, contractors, electricians, and anyone involved in designing or installing electrical systems. The calculator helps determine the appropriate size of electrical cables required for a given application, ensuring safe and efficient power transmission while minimizing energy loss and preventing overheating or fire hazards. Accurately sizing cables is crucial for any electrical system’s safety, efficiency, and longevity.

Why Proper Cable Sizing is Important

Selecting the correct cable size is a critical step in electrical design. Using too small cables for the current they need to carry can result in excessive heat generation, voltage drop, and even fire. Conversely, using cables that are too large can be inexpensive and easy to install. Proper cable sizing ensures:

  1. Safety: Prevents overheating, leading to insulation damage, short circuits, and fires.
  2. Efficiency: Minimizes energy loss due to resistance in the cable, ensuring efficient power delivery to the load.
  3. Cost-effectiveness: This method balances the cable’s cost with the electrical requirements of the electrical system’s requirement, avoiding overspending on unnecessarily large cables.
  4. Compliance: This department ensures that electrical installations meet local codes and standards, often specifying minimum cable sizes for different applications.

Factors Considered in Cable Sizing

Several key factors must be taken into account when determining the appropriate cable size:

  1. Current Carrying Capacity (Ampacity): A cable’s maximum current can safely carry without overheating. This is influenced by the cable’s material (copper or aluminum), insulation type, and installation conditions.
  2. Voltage Drop: The reduction in voltage as electric current flows through the cable. Excessive voltage drop can cause poor performance of electrical equipment. Standards typically limit voltage drop to a certain percentage of the supply voltage (e.g., 3% for lighting circuits and 5% for power circuits).
  3. Short Circuit Rating: The cable must withstand the thermal and mechanical stresses caused by short-circuit currents until the protective device (circuit breaker or fuse) operates.
  4. Installation Method: How the cable is installed—whether in conduit, buried underground, or clipped to a surface—affects its ability to dissipate heat and, therefore, its current carrying capacity.
  5. Environmental Factors: Ambient temperature, soil thermal resistivity (for buried cables), and other environmental factors can influence the cable’s performance. For example, cables in hotter environments may need to be derated (assigned a lower current rating) to prevent overheating.
  6. Cable Length: Longer cables result in greater voltage drop, so the cable size might need to be increased to compensate for this, especially in long runs.
  7. Number of Conductors: Cables with multiple conductors may require derating because of the reduced ability to dissipate heat.

How Does the Cable Size Calculator Work?

  1. Input the Load Details: Enter the electrical load’s total power (in watts or kilowatts) or the load current (in amps). This determines the amount of current the cable needs to carry.
  2. Select the Voltage: Enter the system voltage (e.g., 120V, 240V, 415V). The voltage, combined with the load, determines the current flowing through the cable.
  3. Choose the Cable Type: Specify whether the cable is made of copper or aluminum and the type of insulation (e.g., PVC, XLPE). Copper cables are generally more conductive and have higher current carrying capacity than aluminum cables of the same size.
  4. Specify the Installation Method: Indicate whether the cable will be installed in conduit, buried, or free air. This affects the cable’s ability to dissipate heat.
  5. Enter the Cable Length: Provide the length of the cable run. Longer cables have greater resistance and, thus, a more significant voltage drop.
  6. Set the Voltage Drop Limit: Input the maximum allowable voltage drop for the circuit. This is typically a percentage of the supply voltage, and the calculator will ensure that the cable size chosen meets this criterion.
  7. Consider Environmental Factors: If applicable, enter the ambient temperature, number of conductors, and other environmental factors that could affect the cable’s performance.
  8. Calculate: The calculator processes these inputs to determine the appropriate cable size to safely carry the load current, stay within acceptable voltage drop limits, and withstand short-circuit conditions.

Key Considerations

  1. Compliance with Standards: Cable sizing must comply with local and international standards, such as the National Electrical Code (NEC) in the USA or the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards globally. These standards provide guidelines on minimum cable sizes based on current, voltage, and installation conditions.
  2. Voltage Drop: Always ensure that the voltage drop is within permissible limits, especially in long cable runs or where the load is sensitive to voltage variations, such as motors or electronic devices.
  3. Derating Factors: Consider derating factors when the cable is installed in conditions that reduce its current carrying capacity, such as high ambient temperatures, multiple cables nearby, or buried cables with high soil thermal resistivity.
  4. Future Proofing: Choose a slightly larger cable size if you anticipate increasing load. This provides flexibility for upgrades without needing to replace the cables.
  5. Short Circuit Considerations: Ensure the cable size chosen can handle the thermal and mechanical stresses during a short-circuit condition until the protective device clears the fault. This is critical in preventing cable damage and ensuring safety.


A Cable Size Calculator is essential for anyone designing or installing electrical systems. It simplifies determining the correct cable size by considering current carrying capacity, voltage drop, installation conditions, and environmental factors. Properly sized cables are crucial for ensuring electrical installations’ safety, efficiency, and reliability. Whether you’re working on residential wiring, industrial power distribution, or specialized applications, using a Cable Size Calculator helps you make informed decisions that meet both safety standards and project requirements.

Cable Size formula

Single Phase

Wire Circular Mils = 2 x Specific Resistance x Amperes x Distance / (Voltage Drop / Source Voltage)

Three Phase

Wire Circular Mils = 2 x 0.866 x Specific Resistance x Amperes x Distance / (Voltage Drop / Source Voltage)


  • Specific Resistance = 11.2 for Copper Cable,
  • Specific Resistance = 17.4 for Aluminium Cable

Cable Size Calculator

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